Sunday, December 8, 2019

Why India Is Lacking Behind In The Race Of AI Startups – Tech Startup News

Despite India being among the top 15 countries in terms of AI study, the technology news today suggests that it lacks way behind in the competition. Why?

The growth of Artificial Intelligence over India has maintained pace with the global expansion of the technology. Tech Startup News suggests that while distinct nations such as China and the US have centered their energies on seizing as large a business share of Artificial Intelligence as possible, India startups have focused on becoming an experimental space to explore the potential applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

A survey by Finnish AI-based solutions specialists Zyfra suggests that India is among the top 15 countries in terms of AI study. Another research says that India leads in the number of engineering and science graduates. Yet the Technology News Today is that the country provides very basic and lower-end services, acting as big obstruction in AI Startups Growth. Why is that?

Technology News Today is mostly filled with the hype of AI. It's everywhere and so is the publicity around it. Deficiency of substance with teams, struggle in understanding the concept and its evaluation, lack of talent, lack of entrepreneurial experience, competition from other AI startups, the list of obstructions is never-ending. The absence of a software development ecosystem for AI and regulations around it makes it difficult for entrepreneurs to launch their desired products in the market.
Above all, for investors in AI startups, their ultimate goal is to provide their consumers with something that is relevant to their needs. Thus, the focus is less on building the actual technology and more on the ability to run the business and profit-making.
Scaling up a startup is a tricky task. Not every person can crack the code and build the right product for the very first time. It requires the right recipe, an appropriate workforce, and a skilled mentor to attain the desired result.

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